proposed Munderikadavu bird sanctuary is located in Kannur disrict of
the Kerala state, about 12 kilometres from district H.Q., spread across Munderi
and neighbouring panchayats, forms the catchment of the Kattampally river.
It is is an ornithologist’s paradise ,
a favourite haunt of migratory birds, important for rich variety of
plants, mangroves and fish. The Munderikadavu is home to nearly 200 species of
birds, including 60 varieties of migratory birds. The Kattampally wetland is among the
24 Important Bird Areas (IBA) in the state identified by the Bombay Natural
History Society (BNHS). As many
as seven globally threatened species of birds have been sighted in this area.
The Birdlife International has also said that it should be considered a
priority site for conservation.
The Finance Minister has announced during his Budget
speech in the year 2012 that the biodiversity-rich wetland area of
Munderikkadavu would be developed into a bird sanctuary but there is no progress
achieved so far, proposal is still sleeping somewhere in Govt.
files .
Major Threats
1. Environmental degradation:
As a result of large-scale reclamation and fragmentation
2. Developmental activities:
i. Large scale reclamation of the wet areas for prawn cultivation.
ii. Construction of side wall along the water spread areas by
destructing mangroves.
iii. Large scale construction activities.
3. Pollution:
Depositing plastic waste, garbage, Chicken
waste etc.
5. Hunting.
1. Munderikadavu should be declared a Ramsar site.
2. The wet land surrounding
to the revenue land should be acquired by Government by giving proper
3. Proper
awareness about the conservation should be created among the local
4. Instead of
declaring as a bird Sanctuary, in my opinion, it is better to declare this area
as a community reserve.
area should be managed with the participation of the local people.