
Thursday, July 11, 2019



മണി ചോളം 

Sorghum is a cereal grass, used as a food and feed grain.

Fifth most important cereal in the world.

The crop is heat and drought tolerant.

Can be grown in any type of soil.

According to USDA, sorghum is a powerhouse in terms of nutrients. It can provide Vitamins like  thiamin (Vitamin B1), riboflavin (Vitamin B2),  and niacin(Vitamin B3),  as well as high levels of mangnesium, Iron , Copper, Calcium, phosphorous and Potassium. It contains nearly half of the daily, required intake of Protein and a very significant amount of dietary  Fiber.

A 2018 study conducted by US researchers suggests that sorghum bran rich in polyphenol may have anticancer potential and further research and scientific evidence is required. 
Another research published states that sorghum may have anticarcinogenic and antitumor properties and may prevent metastasis of cancer such as Breast cancer. It may also          anti-oesophageal effects suggests the same study. 

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