
Friday, January 3, 2014

MANJA KOOVA ( മഞ്ഞ കൂവ ) ( East Indian arrowroot.)

ENGLISH NAME :  East Indian arrowroot.
BOTANIC NAME :  Curcuma angustifolia

FAMILY: Zingiberaceae
HABIT:  Perennial rhizomatous herb.

         PLANT      : An herb that grows up to 1.5 m in height ,having upright pseudostem and horizontal  underground stems known as rhizomes. Rhizomes are pungent tasting, warming and aromatic.

         LEAF         : Long petiolate ,green with purple marking inside,Oblong- lanceolate in shape.

         FLOWER   : inflorescence grows to about 20 cm tall. Sheaths covering the flower stem are brownish green in colour. Floral bracts are light green and the apical flower bracts are deep pink in colour. 

PROPAGATION :  Rhizomes  are used for propagation.
Young rhizome

FOOD VALUE: Curcuma angustifolia is also used for extracting starch, which is very nutritious. For getting clear starch, the pulp obtained from rhizomes should repeatedly wash for ten times before drying.
Young rhizome


Folkloric: The starch extracted from the rhizomes are used as an agreeable, non-irritating diet in certain chronic diseases, during convalescence from fevers, in irritations of the alimentary canal or of the urinary apparatus.

Rhizome used for fever, diarrhoea, gravel, Swelling and skin diseases.
Studies: It shows Anti bacterial and Antifungal properties.

Tavakshira (Sanskrit), 
Bombay arrowroot, Narrow-leaved turmeric (English),
 Tikhur (Hindi)
 Bengali: Keturi halodhi(Bengali), 
Ararutkilangu, Kua, Ararut-kizhangu (Tamil), 
Koove-hittu (Kannada), 
Ararut-gaddalu (Telugu)


  1. Hi Manu,
    I must say that's a great objective you have behind this website. I am impressed particularly with the pictures of the 25 cents of uncultivated land. You confirmed a thought that i always had as a childhood i,e, does the earth have a unique ability to heal itself?
    Please continue your efforts and i would like to get together more people who believe in such objectives.
    Best wishes, Nirmal Raj Nair.

  2. Very informative.
