
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

AMARA PAYAR ( അമര പയർ )

English:Lablab bean

BOTANIC NAME: Lablab purpures

Synonym : Delicos lablab


Lab lab is a traditional food plant in India.

 It is a fast growing wine that gives small flat pods, commonly used as vegetable.

Seize, shape and colour of the pods varies with cultivars. 

Light green coloured bean having size of 4x1 inches is the popular variety.

Pink coloured bean and dark green coloured bean may be about 6x1 inches with wavy ridges.

Four seeds are seen in a pod. Colour of the seed may be brown or red or black with a white mark on the top.

The plant grows in full sun and well drained soil and gives yield for two years.

Food value:
Tender pods, seeds and young leaves used as vegetable.
It is a good source of calcium, iron, Vitamin C, and other minerals.

 Medicinal value:
The stem, roots, leaves and pods are used as medicine.
Infusion of leaves used for Gonorrhoea.
The juice of the leaves with coconut oil and Turmeric powder is applied for skin diseases.
Juice of the leaves with lime applied to tumour and abscesses.
In Philippines and China it is used as stimulant, to reduce fever and to stimulate digestion, for abdominal pains, diarrhoea and vomiting.
In some countries its root is used to treat heart problems.
It is also reported that its stem extract is a best medicine for Urinary problems.

Studies show that Lab lab extract shows Hypocholeserolemic effect, Antimicrobial, Antifungal, Anti inflammatory activities, and as a potential source of natural antioxidents.

Planting method:
In Kerala Lablab seeds are sawn during the Malayalam month Karkidakam (July-August).
The seeds are sawn in pits at a spacing of 1.5mX 1 m. normally three plants are sawn in a pit.
Diluted cow dung is applied at an interval of ten days.
The plants are trails over pandals.
Average yield is 6-8 t/ Ha.

Dolicos bean, Papdi beans, Val, Flat bean, Papaya bean, Poor man bean, Fiwi bean, Kikuyu bean, Lubia bean, Bounavista pea , 
Butter bean,( English),
 Sem (Hindi),
Avarai (Tamil), 
Adavichikkudu (Telugu), 
Gallinita, Ataque, Gerenge, Helmbohne, Gueshrangaig, Louria.

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