
Friday, January 3, 2014

KASTURI MANJAL ( കസ്തുരി മഞ്ഞൾ )

ENGLISH NAME :  Aromatic Turmeric.
BOTANIC NAME :  Curcuma aromatic.
FAMILY: Zingiberaceae

HABIT:  Perennial rhizomatous herb usually found in wild areas.

         PLANT      : An herb that grows up to 1.5 m in height ,having upright pseudostem and horizontal  underground stems known as rhizomes. Rhizomes whitish inside, campher smelling.

         LEAF  : Long petiolate , Oblong- lanceolate in shape and characterised by pubescent beneath.

   FLOWER   : Inflorescence is with white corolla lobes, with a pink tips and yellow lips. The stalk grows to about 25 cm tall, andFunnel-shaped white flowers with yellow shade, peeping out of large bracts .   
PROPAGATION.: Rhizomes are used for propagation.

Rhizomes used in sprains, bruises and skin diseases.
Rhizome decoction is used as carminative and tonic. 
It is widely used as cosmetics. 
In Chinese medicine it is used for preventing and curing cancer.
It is used as remedy for wound, bruises and sprain, skin problems, digestive aid, liver protection, treating arthritis,reducing cholesterol,
Rhizome cross section

Rhizome cross section

Wild turmeric(English), 
Aranyahaldikanda, Aranyaharidra (Sanskrit),
 Jangli haldi (Hindi), 
 Kasturimanjal (Tamil),
  Kasthuri Pasupa (Telugu), 
Kasthuri Arishina (Kannada),
  Lam Yaingang (Manipuri).

MANJAL (മഞ്ഞൾ )

ENGLISH NAME :  Turmeric

BOTANIC NAME :  Curcuma longa

FAMILY: Zingiberaceae

 Perennial rhizomatous herb cultivated for getting rhizomes. Powdered rhizomes are used to colour and enhance food products.

         PLANT      :

 An herb that grows up to 1.5 m in height ,having upright pseudostem and horizontal  underground stems known as rhizomes. Rhizomes are pungent tasting, warming and aromatic.

         LEAF         :

 Long petiolate , pale green  in colour,Oblong- lanceolate in shape.

         FLOWER   :

 inflorescence grows to about 15 cm tall. Sheaths covering the flower stem and bracts are light green in colour. Funnel-shaped white flowers with yellow shade, peeping out of large bracts .   


Whole or Split mother rhizomes are used for propagation.


 Turmeric is a very important spice in India. It is added in foods for both its flavour and colour. 


 Raw rhizome as well as rhizome powder is used in home remedies.
Folkloric: Rhizome powder used as blood purifier.
 It is also used as a stomach tonic. 
Turmeric is used for the treatment of liver ailments,Diabetics, skin diseases and healing wound . 
It is also used externally, to heal sores, and as a cosmetic. 
Turmeric shows antioxidant, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects.
Now a days Turmeric is used to treat following conditions:
 Digestive disorders, Bacterial infection, Cardiovascular conditions, Arthritis (as an anti-inflammatory agent), Cancer and as a cosmetic.

 Haridra, Marmarii (Sanskrit),
 Haldi (Hindi), 
Arishina, Arisina (Kannada), 
Halad (Marathi),
 Manjal (Tamil),
Haridra (Telugu), 
Halodhi (Asamese),
 Halud (Bengali), 
Haldar (Gujarathi), 
Haladi (Oriya). 

Foot note:  The cylindrical & branched rhizome is the portion of the plant which is used as spice. It is usually cleaned, boiled, dried, and powdered to yield a yellow powder (Turmeric powder).
Method of Cultivation:
Prepare the land to a fine tilth during March /April and prepare beds of size 3 x 1.2 m with a spacing of 40 cm between beds. Plant during April/ May with the receipt of pre-monsoon showers. Take small pits in the beds in rows with a spacing of 25 x 25 cm. Plant finger rhizomes flat with buds facing upwards and cover with soil or dry powdered cattle manure. Time of harvest depends upon variety and usually extends from January to March.

MANJA KOOVA ( മഞ്ഞ കൂവ ) ( East Indian arrowroot.)

ENGLISH NAME :  East Indian arrowroot.
BOTANIC NAME :  Curcuma angustifolia

FAMILY: Zingiberaceae
HABIT:  Perennial rhizomatous herb.

         PLANT      : An herb that grows up to 1.5 m in height ,having upright pseudostem and horizontal  underground stems known as rhizomes. Rhizomes are pungent tasting, warming and aromatic.

         LEAF         : Long petiolate ,green with purple marking inside,Oblong- lanceolate in shape.

         FLOWER   : inflorescence grows to about 20 cm tall. Sheaths covering the flower stem are brownish green in colour. Floral bracts are light green and the apical flower bracts are deep pink in colour. 

PROPAGATION :  Rhizomes  are used for propagation.
Young rhizome

FOOD VALUE: Curcuma angustifolia is also used for extracting starch, which is very nutritious. For getting clear starch, the pulp obtained from rhizomes should repeatedly wash for ten times before drying.
Young rhizome


Folkloric: The starch extracted from the rhizomes are used as an agreeable, non-irritating diet in certain chronic diseases, during convalescence from fevers, in irritations of the alimentary canal or of the urinary apparatus.

Rhizome used for fever, diarrhoea, gravel, Swelling and skin diseases.
Studies: It shows Anti bacterial and Antifungal properties.

Tavakshira (Sanskrit), 
Bombay arrowroot, Narrow-leaved turmeric (English),
 Tikhur (Hindi)
 Bengali: Keturi halodhi(Bengali), 
Ararutkilangu, Kua, Ararut-kizhangu (Tamil), 
Koove-hittu (Kannada), 
Ararut-gaddalu (Telugu)


ENGLISH NAME : Pigeonberry
BOTANIC NAME : Rivina humilis
FAMILY: Phytolaccaceae
 Native to American continents, introduced as garden plant. Grows as undergrowth in shady  areas also.The berries are very attractive but it is reported that leaves and fruits are slightly poisonous.


Pigeonberry, Rouge Plant, Baby Peppers, Bloodberry,  and Coralito.

FOOT NOTE: In Malayalam  locally call it as “ Manithakkali” but actul “Manithakkali is “Solanum nigrum” an edible plant , Rivina humilis poisonous hence it is not edible.


ENGLISH NAME : Arrow root
BOTANIC NAME : Maranta arundinacea
FAMILY: Marantaceae

HABIT: Cultivated for edible root (Rhizome).

         PLANT      :Perennial, erect herb, 0.5- 1 m tall

    LEAF       :Leaves radical and cauline, distichous, petiole terete, sheathing at the base, petiole often absent in upper leaves.
Leaf blade green in colour, 10-30 x 3-10 cm, ovate-oblong, rounded to truncate at base, acute acuminate at top, with prominent midrib and numerous pinnately arranged, fine, closely spaced parallel veins.

         FLOWER   : Inflorescence paniculate, terminal, often branched, each branch subtended by a deciduous bract and ending in a stalked flower; peduncle of flower is thin, up to 4 cm long, flowers  bisexual, about 2 cm long, with 3 green, free, persistent, lanceolate sepals, and a white, 3-lobed, tubular corolla.

PROPAGATION : Narrow tip of the rhizome is usually used for propagation.(ie, the portion of rhizome left after taking fleshy part) 
Young rhizome

FOOD VALUE:Boiled rhizome is a delicious food.Maranta powder (Arrow root powder) is the starch obtained from rhizome. This high quality starch can be used as a thickener for sauces and gravies and also used for making biscuts.
( Since the Arrowroot powder is  very expensive biscut companies are now using other types of starches for making "Arrowroot biscuts".)  

Arrowroot is also used for making delicious food, "Koova puzhungiyathu" and  "Koova thoran"  are delicious food items made in North Kerala.
Koova puzhungiyathu


Folkloric: Arrowroot powder is valuable as an easily digested, nourishing diet,  It is used as medicine for bowel complaints, dysentery, diarrhea, dyspepsia, bronchitis, cough and general weakness.
 It is an ideal food for infants.

 Vella koova, Blathi koova (Malayalam
West Indian arrowroot, maranta, Obedience plant, (English), 
Tikhor (Hindi),
Aruruttuk kilangu, Kuvamavu (Tamil), 
Palaguntha (Telugu).

Foot note:
Method of Extraction of Starch:
The starch is extracted from rhizomes not more than a year old. 
The rhizome is cleaned after removing scales and thoroughly washed for removing soil particles,then pulped it in wooded mortars or grinded well.
The pulp stirred in clean water, fitered, allowe to settle in bottom, and then drained.Wash the starch with fresh water and repeat the process twice.
Finelly clear, odourless, white starch obtained is dried on sheets in the sun.
The maximum available starch from rhizome is about one-fifth of the original weight.

Rhizome of Curcuma angustifolia (Zingiberaceae family)(Kattu koova) is also used for extracting starch.
 But for getting clear starch, the pulp obtained from Curcuma angustifolia rhizomes shold be repeatedly washed for ten times before drying.

CHEMPARATHI (ചെമ്പരത്തി )

ENGLISH NAME :Commmon garden hibiscus

BOTANIC NAME : Hibiscus rosa-sinesis

FAMILY: Malvaceae

HABIT: Cultivated as ornamental plant.


         PLANT      :Evergreen, Large shrub or small tree grows up to 3 meter height.

         LEAF         :Alternate,Stipulate,Petiolate, Ovate-acuminate,Coarsely serrate and shining.

         FLOWER   : Solitary, glorious and huge, occurs in many colours but red variety is the most popular one. Five petals arranged with long central tube containing stamens and pistil at the tip.

PROPAGATION : by cuttings. 


Infusion of petals used as demulcent (provides soothing effect to the skin and mucous membrane) and as refrigerant drink.
Finely crushed green leaves are used for cleaning hair.
And also used as emollient (reduces irritation of the skin or soften the skin) and laxative.
Roots are used as medicine for cough.

China rose, Chinese rose, Chinese show flower (English),
 Gurhal, Pladu, Jason (Hindi),
Cemparathi (Tamil), 
Dasavala (Kannada),
 Other Indian names: Juba kusum athonba, Jaswand, .

Foot note: Hibiscus used to make a black dye and the bark provides a good quality fibre.

RAJAMALLI ( രാജമല്ലി )

ENGLISH NAME : Dwarf poinciana

BOTANIC NAME : Caesalpinia pulcherrima.

FAMILY: Fabeaceae

HABIT: A shrub cultivated as garden plant.


         PLANT      :
 Grows up to 2meter height. Branches smooth, glabrous, shining, with a few prickles here and there.

         LEAF         :
Bipinnate,10-40 cm long,stipulate, pinnae 6-12 pairs,opposite.

         FLOWER   :
Red, Orange, Yellow or a mixed colour flowers are seen  in an erect terminal raceme. Pedicelled and appear in clusters with exceptionally long stamens.

7 x 1.5 cm long straight pods.




Roots used for infantile convulsion.
Flowers used for intestinal worms, coughs and chronic catarrh.
Leaves are reported to have purgative (causes evacuation of the bowels) action and abortifacient.
Decoction of the leaves is useful in cases of fever.

 Chettimandaram, Alasi ( Malayalam), 
Barbados pride, Peacock flower, Mexican Bird of Paradise, Dwarf Poinciana, Pride of Barbados, ( English),
Guletura (Hindi), 
Sidhakya (Sanskrid),
 Mayurkonrai (Tamil), 
Ratnagandhi (Telugu),
 Kenjige ( Kannada) 
Other Indian names:
 Krishnachura , Sankasur, Krishnochuda,Krishnachura, Radhachura .

MANICHEERA ( മണിചീര )

ENGLISH NAME : Graceful Pouzolz's Bush  
BOTANIC NAME : Pouzolzia zeylanica 
Synonym: Pouzolzia indica
FAMILY: Urticaceae 

HABIT: Seen in open, usually moist grasslands at low and medium altitudes and commonly found as an undergrowth in plantations during rainy season.

         PLANT      : A perennial herb, stem erect or trailing, grows up to 15-30 cm height.

         LEAF         : Leaves alternate spiral, shortly petioled, to 3.8 x 2cm, ovate, acute, glabrate.

         FLOWER   : Minute, in small axillary androgynous clusters.
        FRUIT/SEED: Tiny seeds are seen in axillary clusters.

FOOD VALUE: Leaves are used as vegetable.


 Decoction of leaves is used as Vermifuge ( to expels intestinal worms).
Poultice of the herb is applied to sores, boils and to relieve stomach ache.
Leaf juice is used as galactagogue ( increases secretion of milk).
Applied for dysentery and loose stools of infant.
Applied for gangrenous ulcers, syphilis and gonorrhoea.
It shows that Pouzolzia zeylanica  can control blood sugar within a certain desirable range.
Study of ethanol extract of Pouzolzia zeylanica showed very good antifungal qualities.
Recent researches proved good cytotoxic activity of Pouzolzia zeylanica and it shows a potential source for anticancer compounds.

Neyy cheera, Bula (Malayalam),
 Kallurukki ( Tamil), 
Kalkuri ( Kannada),
 Eddu (Telugu)
 Borali bokua (Assamese)


Kerala is a heaven for Butterflies.

332 species of butterflies are found in Kerala.

The largest Butterfly of India, 
Southern birdwing 
Scientific name: Troides minos
 ( Malayalam name:Garuda salabam
(Wing span 140-190mm) is found in in Western Ghat region of Kerala.
 It is an Endemic and endangered species. 
The smallest Butterflies of India
 Grass Jewel
 Scientific name: Freyeria trochylus
 ( Malayalam name: Ratnaneeli)
 (Wing span 15-22 mm) is commonly found in Kerala. 


Damselflies are looking similar but smaller to Dragonflies .

Damselflies are also comes under the order  “Odonata” but under the group “Zygoptera”.

Damselflies can be distinguished from Dragon flies 

1) By  seize: Damselflies thinner with needle like abdomen

2) They hold their wings at rest together above the torso whereas most Dragonflies at rest hold the wings horizontally and spread apart.

3) Four wings are identical whereas the back wings of dragonflies broaden near the base.

4) Damselflies eggs are cylindrical whereas Dragonfly eggs are round in shape.
Adult damselflies prey small insects on flight.

While mating Damselflies join together in a wheel shape and fly in tandem in this style.


Dragonflies have magnificent colours in body with unique life style and life cycles.

Dragonflies comes under the order “Odonata”  and group “Anisoptera”.

Dragonflies are known as living fossils.

 Fossils found of dragon flies aged 300 million years old.

In Kerala, abundant Water resources like streams, rivers, lakes etc provide suitable eco system for Dragonflies.

Dragonflies eats mosquitoes and other small insects.

There are 463 species of Dragonflies found in India, and among them 176 species are found in Western ghat region of Kerala. 

Pantala flavascense is a migaratory Dragonfly.
It travels from Africa.
After travelling around 11,000 miles distance through land and sea they reach Kerala in the month of August/ September 
ie, the month in which Kerala celebrates “Onam”.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

PONNANGAANI ( പൊന്നാങ്ങണ്ണി )

  ENGLISH NAME :  Sessile Joyweed.
BOTANIC NAME : Alternanthera sessilis    
FAMILY: Amaranthaceae  

HABIT: A prostrate or ascending much branched shrub.


         PLANT      : Perennial herb with rooting at the nodes, often found in moist       wastelands.
         LEAF         : Simple, opposite, somewhat fleshy, linear oblong or elliptic, about 2.5  x 0.4 cm.

         FLOWER   : Flowers small, white, in axillary clusters,flower heads globose,       becoming cylindrical  later.
        FRUIT/SEED: Seeds are lenticular, inverse and tiny.

PROPAGATION : By seed and vegetative means. Seeds are spread naturally by wind  and water.
FOOD VALUE: Leaves along with the tender stems are used as vegetable.


It is used as febrifuge (reduces fever).
As a galactagogue ( increases secretion and flow of milk).
As a cholagogue (activate flow of bile).
It is diuretic, tonic and cooling and deemed to be beneficial to eyes.
It is applied as astringent (to contract the tissues and stop bleeding).
Herb contains hydrocarbons, ester and sterols.

LOCAL NAMES: Meenankani, Ponnankannikkira (Malayalam), 
Matsyaksi, Matsyadanee, Paragapattura,Salincha, Gogihua ( Sanskrit)
  Dwarf copperleaf, Joyweed, Racaba  (English), 
Garundi, Gudrisag, Guroo (Hindi), 
Ponnanganni (Tamil), 
Ponnagantikura (Telugu),
 Honagonne, Honaganna  ( Kannada) ,
 Jaljambo, Phakchet, Kanchari, Madaranga ,Koypa ,Udahta,Kshetraja,Hemakanya.

Foot note:
In India, Alternanthera sessilis is a traditionally used food under the name “Ponnanganni”.
But Seven plants are now known by the common name “Ponnanganni” .

Foot note:
 Actually out of the seven Ponnanganni species, six were alien and only one is the native variety. It is very difficult for common men to distinguish the native one from the alien varieties. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

AANACHUVADI ( ആനച്ചുവടി )

ENGLISH NAME :  Elephant’s Foot

BOTANIC NAME : Elephantopus scaber.

FAMILY:   Astraceae.   
HABIT: Perennial herb found as under growth in shady areas. 

         PLANT      : Erect, subscapose (leaves in rosette at ground level and a single 
         flowering stalk rising from the centre). Stem terete  branched at top.

         LEAF         : Leaves in basal rosette, 7-14 x 2.5-4.5 cm in length, obovate, obtuse, 
         hairy and pubescent. 

         FLOWER   : 8-10mm long purple flowers. Flowering head are seen in clusters, 
         each head comprises about four flowers and usually enclosed by three leaves 
         like heart shaped bracts.

         FRUIT/SEED: Ribbed achenes (dry 1 seeded carpel)

         PROPAGATION   : By seed or root suckers.  



Plants astringent (Which contrcts the tissues and stops bleeding or secretion),
 cardiac tonic, 
alterative (Used to improve digestive system),
 febrifuge (Reduces fever),
 used in snake bite.
Decotion of the whole plant has been used to treat gonorrhoea and colic pain.
It is emollient, given in dysuria (Painful urination),
 diarrhoea, dysentery and swelling or pains in stomach.
Hot water extract of the root is applied for filariasis.
Roots given to arrest vomiting, powdered with pepper applied in toothache.
Bruised leaves boiled in coconut oil applied to ulcers and eczema.
The whole plant has been reported to be useful in treatment of insomnia (sleeplessness), Diabetes, bronchitis, Viral or bacterial infection, leukemia and to eliminate bladder stones. 


Recent studies shows that Elephantopus scaber possess wound healing, Anti-microbial, Anti-inflamatory, Ant-venom, Anti-diabetic, cytotoxic and Anti-tumer activities.

Anayatiyan (Malayalam), 
Prickly Leaved Elephant’s Foot, Bull's Tongue, Ironweed (English), 
Samdudri, Ban-tambakhu  (Hindi), 
Gojivha (Sanskrit), 
Anashovadi (Tamil),
Enugabira (Telugu), 
Hakkarike (Kannada).