
Thursday, July 30, 2015


Other names: Kinattil Koova

Botanic name: Legenandra toxicora.

Family : Araceae

Neer koova is an aquatic plant, abundantly found in streams and marshy lands.

It is also traditionally grows in dug well.

In a recent study conducted by M. Mini and Beebi Razeena proves that this plant can act as a natural water purifier and is used against water pollution caused by E- coli.

News published in Malayala manorama daily dt.26.07.2015 is given below:

In traditional medicine it is used for the treatment of hepatitis and also have insecticidal properties.

Other medicinalproperties:

It is reported that this plant contains acrid juice and it is used in ointments for itch.

It is used in the treatment of kidney disorders, heart diseases and swellings.

Decotion of tuberous root is used to check growth of old Tumor.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Botanic name:              Bacopa monnieri

Synonym:                     Lysimachia monnieri

                                     Herpestris monniera

Family:                          Scrophulariaceae

  It is a common creeping growing in damp or marshy areas.
  Leaves simple, opposite.
  Flowers solitary,auxilary.
  Capsule ovoid.

Usually propagated by using stem cuttings. For mass propagation, the whole plant is cut in to small pieces and planted directly in to the sunken beds. The rooting begins within 15-20 days.

Medicinal Properties:
Plant contains two alkaloids, Brahmine and Herpestine.
The entire plant is used in indigenous system of medicine as a nerve tonic and cure for Epilepsy and insanity. 

Brahmi is astringent (A drug which contracts the tissues and stop bleeding or secretion), bitter, cooling and pungent, it has emetic and laxative properties and it also improves intellect, is useful in bed ulcers, tumers and enlargement of spleen.

In some newly developed memory enhancing drugs Brahmi is one of the main ingredient.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Krishna Fig

Other names:
                    Krishna's butter cup

                    Makhan kattori

Malayalam Name: Krishnanal

Botanical name: Ficus bengalnesis var. Krishnae

Synonym:  Ficus Krishnae

Family : Moraceae.

Fast growing, evergreentree.

Leaves stalked, ovate heart- shaped.

The unique feature of the tree is that the leaves have a pocket- like fold at the base.

                     It is believed that Lord Krishna used the leaves of this tree as a utensil to have his stolen "Butter".

              The story goes that, Once when Lord Krishna was caught by his mother, he tried to hide his butter by rolling it up in a leaf of this tree.Since then, the leaves of these trees have retained this shape.

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Botanic name:     Desmodium longipes.

Synonym:           Phyllodium longipes

Malayalam name: Seethamudi, Bala jada.

Family: Fabceae.

Shurb, grows up to 1.5 meter height.

This plant introduced from China and recognized by its distinctive long,pendant scaly sepals, that hides the inflorescence.
 Flowers are white in colour.


It is reported that Desmodium longipes is used as medicine in Thai land.