
Thursday, March 19, 2015

CANCER CAN BE CURED....! ! ! ! ! ? ? ? ?

"An unique recipe made from Aloe Vera   has healed many types of cancers.  The cancers that have been healed are: throat cancer, cancer of the uterus, vocal chords, skin cancer, ovaries, breast, prostate, kidneys, lymphatic system, blood system (such as leukemia), spinal column, brain/cerebellum , liver as well as intestinal and rectal cancer, bone and bladder cancer, and many instances of colon cancer...................."

Content of an Interesting Facebook post received by me yesterday

It continues...

"Father Romano Zago, a Brazilian Catholic Friar, is the one generally credited with bringing the knowledge about Aloe arborescens to the world. His original formula consists of juice from organically grown and timely harvested (five-year-old) leaves of Aloe Vera, half a kilogram of honey and four tablespoonfuls of distilled liquor (whisky or brandy).
Remove the thorns and cut the leaves into small pieces. Put the leaves, honey and liquor into a container and stir well with a spoon. Your medicine is ready. Preserve the medicine in a refrigerator or in a cool place.
You can take one tablespoonful three times a day on an empty stomach (at least about 15 minutes before meals). Take the medicine for ten consecutive days, and then stop it for 10 days. Again take it for another ten days. Repeat this until you obtain total cure.
Quite interesting, isn’t it?
Before going through the findings of father Romano Zago,
We should learn few things about Aloe Vera...

Aloe vera’s use can be traced back 6,000 years to early Egypt, where the plant was depicted on stone carvings.It is known as the “plant of immortality”. Aloe vera played a significant role in pharmacopoeia of many early civilizations. It was was used topically to heal wounds and for various skin conditions, and orally as a laxative.

Botanic name: Aloe barbadensis.
Local Names:
Malayalam: Kattar vaza
Sanakrit: Ghrithkumari, Kumari, Grihakanya
Hindi: Gheekumari
Thamil:  Kattolai
Thelugu: Ghusamasaram.
Family: Asphodelaceae.

Plant details:
Aloe vera is a stemless or very short-stemmed, succulent whose fleshy gray-green leaves are arranged in a vase shaped rosette.
 Plant grows up to  30- 100 cm tall. The leaves are thick and fleshy. These leaves are up to 45 cm long and 6 cm wide at the base, slightly grooved on top, and terminating in a sharp point andhave small teeth on the margins.

Active Components of the Aloe vera:
Various study reports, show that Aloe vera contains 75 potentially active constituents which includes: Vitamins, Enzymes, Minerals, Sugar, Lignin, Saponins, Salicylic acids and Amino Acids.
It contains Vitamins E, C, B6, B12, A and Folic acid.
Amino acids: 
It contains 20 of the 22 human required Amino acids and 7 of the 8 essential amino acids.
It contain 10Enzymes. They are:
Alkaline phosphatise
Creatine phosphokin
It contains Minerals such as:  Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Selenium, Sodium and Zinc.
It contains 12 Anthraquinons , 4 plant steroids and hormons such as  Auxins and Gibberellins.

Side Effects :
Use of Aloe vera is not associated with significant side effects.
 National Toxicology Programme Study on oral consumption conducted in USA, it is reported that non-decolorized whole leaf extract of aloe vera given in an animal’s drinking water found clear evidence of carcinogenic activity in male and female rats, based on tumors of the large intestine. There was no evidence of carcinogenic activity in mice. According to the NTP, from what is known right now there is nothing that would lead them to believe that these findings are not relevant to humans. However, more information, including how individuals use different types of aloe vera products, is needed to determine the potential risks to humans.
Abdominal cramps and Diarrhea have been reported in certain persons on oral use of Aloe vera.
In many countries, Aloe products are available as dietary supplements.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of USA has approved aloe vera as a natural food flavoring.
In the web page of  it is reported that-
“One study showed that an aloe extract called aloe emodin can block the growth of head and neck cancer cells in test tubes.
 Emodin can also stop liver cancer cells growing in test tubes. 
Acemannan is a substance taken from the aloe vera leaf and it can stimulate mouse immune cells to make cancer killing chemicals (cytokines).
 One test tube study has shown that aloeride (a starch compound found in aloe juice) can stimulate the immune system to produce cancer killing chemicals. 
Another compound made from aloe vera, di 2-ethyl hexyl phthalate (DEHP), has been found to stop the development of leukaemia cells in test tubes. 
Early studies of aloe substances in laboratory animals seem to suggest that some of the chemicals found in aloe may have helpful effects on the immune system and can shrink some cancers.
One study in Italy of 240 patients reported in 2009. It tested aloe vera alongside chemotherapy for people with lung cancer, bowel cancer, or stomach cancer that had spread. Half the patients took aloe arborescens as a liquid 3 times a day during standard chemotherapy treatment. In this study the cancer was controlled or shrank for a time in 67% of patients who had the combined aloe and chemotherapy treatment and in 50% of patients who had chemotherapy alone. In this study the researchers said that patients taking the aloe vera had a better quality of life and that they had fewer chemotherapy side effects such as numb fingers and fatigue.”

Coming back to Father Romano Zago and his formulae:

In the introduction to the book “ Cancer can be cured”  Father Romano Zago states that  he do not consider himself as the pioneer, or the creator of the recipe, 
long before him, there were others who could claim this right.”
In this book he narrates various cases which proved the effectiveness of his formulae.
His formulae is simple 
The ingredients  required are:

Two or three leaves of Aloe Vera (350 gm), 

half a kilogram of honey 
and four tablespoonfuls of distilled liquor (whisky or brandy).
Remove the thorns and cut the leaves into small pieces.
Put the leaves, honey and liquor into a container and stir well with a spoon.
 Medicine is ready.
Preserve the medicine in a refrigerator or in a cool place.
One can take one tablespoonful three times a day on an empty stomach (at least about 20 minutes before meals).
Take the medicine for ten consecutive days, and then stop it for 10 days. Again take it for another ten days. Repeat this until one obtain total cure.
The book points out very strongly that a person should get a formal test to insure that the cancer is completely gone before stopping this treatment.
While the formula is simple, if you actually want to make it at home there are many important rules about when to cut the leaves, how to process the leaves, etc. A person who makes this preparation should read this book thoroughly.

In my opinion more studies should be conducted in 
these fields for the benefit of the persons suffering from
 fatal illness.